Practical Presentation Coaching is for you if you are…

  • an Executive, possibly C-Suite, CEO, CIO, Changemaker, Influencer or Coach who has a highly visible role and is expected to lead on some level — may even have a spokesperson role and could be dealing with the media.

  • someone who is tasked with regular presentations and speaking engagements and is expected or at least wants to show up as a thought leader with value to offer.

  • someone who tends to avoid speaking at a strategic, leadership level and instead speaks too “technically” or finds themselves in the “weeds” giving too many details — unable to be authentic or engaging.

  • someone without clear strategy or organized content who speaks more to the “what” vs the “why” and needs frameworks to help them be compelling and concise in their delivery.

  • someone who may feel comfortable engaging in smaller settings but not in large or virtual environments and worries they are boring and not captivating their audiences (and the lack of interaction and conversion prove it).

  • someone who may have an upcoming presentation, job interview or speaking engagement that they want to do well on OR they have just received a promotion where they will have a larger leadership role and be required to speak more OR they have a new project or initiative to roll out.

The Step-by-Step Presentation Coaching System For You

Strategic Speaking Plan Toolkit.
Identify Goals for Yourself & Your Audience: learn about building trust and credibility with your audience and developing strong speaker muscles.
Identify Gaps and Develop Your Approach: discover frameworks, delivery tools, engagement tools, and learn about story structure and development.
Learn to Push and Play Content: learn easy strategies to put together any presentation in half the time and create compelling messages on the spot.




