Mastering Virtual Communication: 3 Non-Verbal Cues You Can't Afford to Miss

Ah, the joys of video calls. From dodgy wifi to unexpected background noise, video calls are and will continue to be a staple in the post-pandemic, mostly remote work world. However, with virtual communication, non-verbal cues can be easily missed or misinterpreted, leading to awkward moments and miscommunications.

But fear not! There is a solution to the virtual communication conundrum. By paying attention to the right non-verbal communication cues, you can make a positive impression and avoid becoming a virtual meme. So, let's dive into the problem and solution of mastering non-verbal communication on video calls.

Here’s the problem:

In a mostly virtual workplace, non-verbal communication can be easily missed or misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings and awkward moments. This is no bueno since about 90% of communication is non-verbal. 

Here’s the solution:

Mastering non-verbal communication on video calls is simple - pay attention to the cues that matter most.

The 3 Non-Verbal Communication Cues That Matter Most on Video Calls

  1. Camera Angles

First things first, let's talk about camera angles. It may not seem like a big deal, but the angle of your camera can significantly impact how others perceive you. If your camera is positioned too low or too high, you risk appearing unprofessional or uninterested. To avoid this, position your camera at eye level and make sure your face is centered in the frame.

Obviously, be mindful of your background, too. But that’s a different conversation!.

2. Camera Distance:

Now, let's talk about camera distance. Sitting too close to the camera can make you appear aggressive or intimidating, while sitting too far away can make it difficult for others to see your facial expressions. To strike the right balance, position yourself about an arm's length away from the camera. This distance will allow others to see your facial expressions while still giving them a sense of your body language.

3. Eye Contact:

Last but not least, let's talk about eye contact. Yes, this is a big thing on video. Maintaining eye contact shows that you are engaged and interested in the conversation. Avoid looking away or down at your notes or phone or even “off camera” as you look at your multiple screens. This can make you appear uninterested or distracted or just plain weird. In virtual meetings, try to look directly into the camera to create a sense of eye contact with the other participants and then switch that up by looking at other people directly and of course, looking at yourself to make sure you look good!

So, next time you're on a video call, put your best non-verbal foot forward and show the world what you've got. 

And remember, don't be a virtual meme, be a virtual queen (or king)!


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