From Fears to Cheers: My Personal Dive into the World of Public Speaking

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Ever watched a swan glide gracefully across a pond?

Beneath the water, they're paddling like mad! Just like them, every great speaker you see has put in hours of unseen practice. And today, I want to share a personal story that mirrors this exact journey.

I often get asked about my journey in public speaking, and the truth is, it's been a lot like that of a swan.

On the surface, everything might seem smooth and effortless, but behind the scenes, there's a lot of hard work, dedication, and practice.

I recently worked with a client who reminded me so much of my early days.

He was incredibly passionate and had so much to share, but he struggled with confidence.

Every time he spoke, he would mentally beat himself up, thinking he wasn't as polished or eloquent as some of his colleagues. It broke my heart because I saw so much potential in him.

One day, we sat down, and I shared my own struggles and the countless hours I put into becoming the speaker I am today.

I told him about the times I stumbled.

My moments of doubt.

The journey of finding my unique voice.

But most importantly…

I emphasized that every speaker, no matter how experienced, started as a beginner.

The truth was, he was at the beginning of his journey and was unfairly comparing himself to others who had been on their path for much longer.

It's like comparing a fledgling bird to one soaring high in the sky. Both are beautiful at their respective stages.

Over time, with guidance and persistent practice, he began to see improvements.

He started embracing his unique style, stopped the unfair comparisons, and began to truly shine. Today, he's one of the most sought-after speakers in his field, and I couldn't be prouder.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner.

So, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, embrace your journey.

Cheer for others, but most importantly, cheer for yourself.

Want to dive deeper into the world of public speaking? Check out other articles on my blog at for more insights and tips.

And hey, drop a comment below sharing your own speaking challenges and triumphs. Let's grow together! 🎉🎤


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